FOSTER Update "Exit Tax and Investment Tax Act"
A second home abroad or children studying abroad are now often the norm. The issue of exit taxation has always played a role in Germany if a person with unlimited tax liability has held a stake of at least 1% in a corporation within the last 5 years. With the Annual Tax Act 2024, exit taxation has been extended to investment shares from 1.1.2025.
In the FOSTER Update Rödl & Partner, Munich and Grant Thornton, Düsseldorf will give you an overview of the key points and requirements of exit taxation based on practical cases. In addition, they will discuss the innovations in the area of exit taxation for investment tax purposes and explain their legal consequences.
Feel free to join in the discussion!
3:00 p.m.: Welcome by Michael Staab and introduction of the experts
3:05 p.m.: Start discussion panel
3:45 p.m.: Guest questions
4:00 p.m.: Conclusion and outlook
Moderation: Michael Staab